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Absolutely love it! Easy to understand, simple to solve, artwork is great 😏

Well done!


Thanks! I have good news too: Version 1.0.0 is out, check the dev log :)


This is way too confusing. Why is this just not a normal slide puzzle, why does it need to be like I'm drunk and on acid at the same time? I don't even know what the hell I'm supposed to be looking at. 

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Thanks for the feedback. It's really not that hard tho, one of the pieces is already solved so you can use that as a pivot (as you can see in the video).

It cannot be a normal slide puzzle because the images (the pixel art pieces) come in very different resolutions and you need to drag them around, that's the whole point and more than 1 actually liked this functionality. Also, many of the pieces are not too puzzle-friendly, there's areas of flat colors that would create identical tiles (so the dragging is a solution to that).

Can there be optional futa?


Sorry for the late response. That is inside the rules, yeah.

Won't let me launch on mac. Says there is no such file but the file pops up in my files. Not sure how to fix this.

Hi there. Did you install Love2D? (It's in the installation instructions). *.love files need the Love2D framework to run.



(1 edit) (+1)

If the gallery is empty (sad), clicking will crash the game. Thanks for making and sharing the art and game, I'm a fan.

Shoot! thanks for the heads up, I'll fix it in a few minutes.


Alright, it should be fine now, thanks again!